FL Studio 11 Patcher DJ Performance Presets

In an attempt to improve the Effects GUI and signal routing for the DJ Performance templates for the Launchpad and APC40, I delved into the new Patcher plugin in FL Studio 11.  It has some really cool custom knob and slider features that you can create in the separate Custom Controller application, and then assign to your custom Surface layout.

Here is the Surface GUI for the DJ Performance Mode Template that contains EQ Levels on Top, 4 Effects Knobs and a slider that switches between chained and unchained effects.


Here is the Patcher mapping of the effects unit (WTF right?!!) – that took some serious time to make and test and it appears to be a real resource hog:


I’m trying to figure out why it is so memory intensive (although I think it has to do with the effects plugins running all the time as opposed to on and off as they would be in the mixer channel by themselves).

I tried a Patcher mapping for the cue level for each deck, but after realizing that it wasn’t working, I found a way to do it in the mixer panel.  But the Patcher Cue preset is still included in the zip file below with the DJ Performance EQ/Effects presets –  if anyone is interested in trying to solve the routing through patcher to get it to work like two independent cues.

Here is how you can set up a Cue for each Deck and a Crosffader with the Mixer instead of involving Patcher:

The patcher presets are available as a zip file here.

The Mixer Preset is available here.

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Posted in FL Studio, Music Performance, Patcher
5 comments on “FL Studio 11 Patcher DJ Performance Presets
  1. L.v says:

    Dude you are amazing! i see not many people have found your awesome stuff, wich is a shame thank you for the tuts and helpfull stuff, keep at it!

    • ayjent says:

      Thanks. I’ve been busy with producing music lately, but will be providing some up dates later this summer.

      • L.v says:

        Sweet! looking forward to hear what you have in store dude! i can tell you take it to your heart, as they say all in due time!

  2. justmeherefromportugal says:

    congratulations! well done. but i dont understand how the crossfader looks like a channel but its a preset…so i want it to be in the channels list but its not there. lol oh

  3. justmeherefromportugal says:

    ohoh wait for mixer, awesome. but if it was a channel vst would be even better.

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